
220,000 heads of livestock transferring between pastures in Xinjiang


220,000 heads of livestock transferring between pastures in Xinjiang

2024-03-26 12:48:38 來(lái)源:Ecns.cn

Local herdsmen in Altay Prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, have been busy transferring around 220,000 heads of livestock to the spring and autumn pastures as spring comes. The grass and snow along the way provided food and water for livestock. 

The livestock transfer in Altay generally begins in mid-March and lasts until mid-April. There are about four such large-scale transfers a year, and the transfer methods are varied, including traditional on-foot transfers and modern mechanized transfers. This seasonal migration is not only a way of life for herdsmen but also a manifestation of their harmonious coexistence with nature. 

(Reported by Zhao Yamin; Edited by Jiang Lu)

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